samedi, juillet 08, 2006

No to press law amendments

No to press law amendments
26 Egyptian Newspaper will not print in protest to the law that supports corruption
8 July 2006 - The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (HRinfo) condemned today the insistence of the Egyptian government and parliament to ignore demands made by the Egyptian Press Syndicate to include guarantees of freedom of expression, press freedom, and protection of journalists in the amendments that will be discussed and ratified in parliament today. The Egyptian president's promise made two years ago to eliminate imprisonment of journalists in press offences was reduced to nominal amendments that consolidate punishment of any journalist or writer who tackles issues of corruption and financial integrity of any official. This consolidates the imprisonment of journalists and ignores Egypt's terrible position with regards to the list of countries fighting corruption. "The Egyptian society should unite to support the press syndicate in its demand to protect journalists and should unite against the government's insistence to violate press freedom, which is a violation of the right of the society as a whole," said HRinfo Executive Director, Gamal Eid. HRinfo confirms its full support and adoption of publishing a black list of all enemies of press freedom in Egypt to reveal all members of parliament and others who seek to restrict press and freedom of expression. "Claiming that imprisonment is not necessary but permissible is misleading," said Eid. "With the continuation of the executive authority's control over the judicial authority following the ratification of an unconstitutional law last month, the whole issue has violated all principles of democracy and human rights," he added. HRinfo calls upon all civil society organizations and all those concerned with press freedom to adopt recommendations to support the demand for protecting journalists and guaranteeing press freedom in Egypt. These recommendations are:
1. Support of the initiative of 26 independent and partisan newspapers to not print, in addition to the blocking of some websites, in protest of these amendments. 2. Boycott all newspapers issued on the morning of Sunday 9 July 2006. 3. The participation of activists and civil society in a protest in front of the parliament on Sunday 9 July 2006 at 11:00 am. 4. To support the continuous strike of the press syndicate that has started since Monday 3 July 2006.5. Call upon all international organizations working in the field of freedom of expression and press freedom to stand in solidarity with the just demands put forward by the press syndicate.

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