samedi, juillet 15, 2006

Al Jazeera’s New Bureau in Madrid, Spain

Morocco Office

Al Jazeera’s New Bureau in Madrid, Spain

Doha, Qatar – July 14, 2006: Al Jazeera has restarted the process of opening a new bureau in Madrid, Spain. The opening of the Madrid Bureau was initiated over two years ago by Al Jazeera’s correspondent Tayseer Allouny but was interrupted following his arrest and imprisonment.

From the jail near Madrid, Mr. Allouny has sent a letter urging Al Jazeera to proceed with the opening of the Bureau in Spain. Mr. Allouny restated his belief in Spain as a multifaceted country rich with history, culture, and a dynamic political life. Al Jazeera is implementing Mr. Allouny’s request and efforts are currently underway to have a fully functional Bureau open within the near future.

Al Jazeera announces the appointment of Mr Allouny as the Madrid Bureau Chief as planned, and pledges to fulfill his vision for a comprehensive coverage of his adopted country. An acting bureau chief will be appointed to oversee the office - in full coordination with Mr. Allouny-pending Tayseer’s release.

Al Jazeera reiterates its unequivocal faith in Mr. Allouny’s innocence and will continue to support his quest for justice and freedom to enable him to reunite with his family and resume his important work.

-- END --


Lamis Andoni

Tel: +34 664 174 394

Mobile: +96-279 560 9606


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